
Amazon Mechanical Turk (1) BDM (1) BI metrics (1) Big data (3) CIMAWA (1) ConceptNet (1) Crowdsourcing (1) Data Mining (1) Evaluation Metrics (1) Forum (1) Freebase (1) Geo (1) Grundlagen (1) HITS algorithm (1) Hearst Pattern (1) Information Retrieval (1) Ontology Building (1) Ontology Evaluation (2) PMI (1) POS tagger (1) ProBase (1) Sentiment Detection (3) Talks (1) TnT (1) WISE 2011 (1) Web Intelligence (1) algorithms (2) application (1) applications (10) architecture (1) argument-based machine learning (1) artificial intelligence (1) aspect-based sentiment analysis (2) average uninterpolated precision (1) background knowledge (3) basics (1) big data (1) bootstrapping (1) bot detection (1) bots (1) brain storming (1) business intelligence (5) business metrics (2) categorization (1) challenges (2) classification (4) clique (1) clique percolation method (1) clustering (3) co-occurrence (1) co-reference resolution (1) common knowledge (1) common sense knowledge (2) comparative sentiment analysis (1) components (1) concept (2) concept tagging (1) concept-based sentiment analysis (1) conference (1) constraints (1) container infrastructure (1) content half-life time (1) content life cycle (2) content placement strategies (2) context (1) contextualization (1) corpora (2) corpus (1) corpus creation (1) creation (1) criteria for evaluation measures (1) curation (1) customer reviews (1) customer satisfaction (1) data integration (1) data loading (1) data management (1) data mining (1) data science (1) data structures (3) date extraction (1) dbpedia (2) deceptive reviews (1) deep learning (1) dependency parsing (1) deployment (1) devops (1) diffusion (3) discussion (1) distant supervision (1) docker (1) domain consensurs (1) domain relevance (1) domain specificity (1) domain specifity (1) dremel (1) e-government (1) education (1) emotional analysis (1) emotional contagion (1) epistemology (1) ethics (1) evaluation (10) evaluation data (1) evaluation measure (1) experiment design (1) facebook (1) fact checking (1) farming (1) feature scaling (1) feature selection (2) features (2) flameware detection (1) framework (1) future internet (1) gazetteers (1) geo-tagger-evaluation (1) geo-tagging (3) geospatial (1) german (2) global context (1) google (2) grammar rules (2) graph-based disambiguation (1) graph-based models (1) health (2) healthcare intelligence (1) heuristics (1) hierarchical classification (1) high number of parameters (1) hive (1) hotspot detection (1) ikt (2) imbalanced data sets (2) impact (1) implicit network connections (1) importance (1) incremental processing (1) influence (2) influence bots (1) information diffusion (7) information extraction (3) information processing (1) information spaces (1) interpretation (1) kdir2008 (1) kdir2009 (1) keyword analysis (1) keyword extraction (1) knowledge extraction (1) language resources (1) latent dirichlet allocation (3) latent semantic analysis (1) lexico-syntactic patterns (1) lexicon expansion (1) lexicons (1) lidstone smoothing (1) linear discriminant analysis (1) linked open data (6) linking open data (2) local context (1) locality sensitive hashing (1) locality sensitve hashing (2) lsa (1) lsh (3) machine learning (2) management support (1) map reduce (2) market predictors (1) market research (1) matrix (1) method (1) methods (2) metrics (4) micro blogging (1) misq (1) model (1) model fitting (1) mtp (1) multi-dimensional scaling (1) multitopic detection (1) naive bayes (2) named entity disambiguation (1) named entity linking (12) named entity recognition (6) named entity recogniton (1) named entity resolution (1) negation (3) network (1) network inferrence (1) networks (2) neural network (1) nilsimsa (1) nlp (2) nlp resources (1) noise (1) notions of correctness (1) ontology (1) ontology alignment (1) ontology evolution (1) ontology integration (1) open information extraction (5) opinion holder (1) opinion mining (1) opinion target (1) optimization (2) optimized content placement (1) overview (4) panel (1) parsing (1) performance (1) phrase detection (1) phrase recognition (1) polarity shift (1) policy informatics (1) pooling multinomial classifier (1) postgres (1) pre-processing (1) precision (1) predict sales (1) predictive analytics (1) principles (1) probabilities (1) probabily (1) process (1) product features (1) project (1) properties (1) psml (1) recall (1) redundancy (1) regression model (1) regular expressions (1) related concepts (1) related sentences (1) relation detection (1) relation extraction (6) response rate (1) revenue (1) reviews (1) sarcasm (1) scalabiity (1) scalability (2) scale (1) self training (1) semantic knowledge (1) semi-supervised learning (1) sentic computing (1) senticnet categories (1) sentiment (1) sentiment analysis (10) sentiment calculation rules (1) sentiment detection (1) sentiment lexicon (2) sentiment terms (1) sentiment topics (1) sentiwordnet (1) shortcomings (1) similarity metrics (1) singular value decomposition (2) smart cities (1) social media (3) social metrics (1) social network (3) social network analysis (1) social question answering (1) social sciences (1) soical networks (1) spatial (1) spectral association (1) speculation detection (1) spreading activation (1) statistics (2) stochastic gradient descent (1) structural semantic interconnection (1) support vector machines (1) taxonomic overlap (1) technologies (1) temporal (1) term weighting (1) terminology (2) text classification (3) text cleanup (1) text mining (2) text reuse (1) text search (2) topic detection (1) topic model (1) topic sentiment (1) twitter (3) undersampling (1) user evaluation (2) user generated content (1) user participation (1) user preferences (1) viral videos (1) watson (1) weak supervision (1) web intelligence (9) web portals (1) web search (1) wikipedia (3) wisdom web (1) word relevance (1) word sense disambiguation (2) word support (1)

Amazon Mechanical Turk


BI metrics

Big data

Rich Data, Poor Fields

less than 1 minute read

This article shows how handheld devices and big data technology may multiply field yields and make farming more environmentally friendly.

Data Science and Prediction

3 minute read

by Dhar, V. (2013). Data science and prediction. Communications of the ACM, 56(12), 64—73. This article provides insights into how data science complem...




Data Mining

Most Influential Data Mining Algorithms

less than 1 minute read

As ranked by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining2006 (ICDM 2006) C4.5 k-means support vector machines (SVM) Apriori expectation maximization (...

Evaluation Metrics

Spatial and Temporal Information

less than 1 minute read

based on "Normalizing Spatial Information to Better Combine Criteria in Geographical Information Retrieval" y Palacio et al. (ECIR 2009). There are two types...




Spatial and Temporal Information

less than 1 minute read

based on "Normalizing Spatial Information to Better Combine Criteria in Geographical Information Retrieval" y Palacio et al. (ECIR 2009). There are two types...


Fortschritt in der Wirtschaftsinformatik

less than 1 minute read

basierend auf Ideen aus dem Beitrag "Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsinformatik aus Sicht der Informatik" von Matthias Jarke Das relationale Datenmodell (Codd 19...

HITS algorithm

Hearst Pattern

Information Retrieval

Ontology Building

Ontology Evaluation


POS tagger


Sentiment Detection


KDIR causal knowledge

less than 1 minute read

</p> Automatic identification of quasi-experimental designs for discovering causal knowledge by Jensen et. al</p> Introduction </p> blac...


WISE 2011

Web Intelligence


It Probably Works

3 minute read

Mcmullen, T. (2015). It Probably Works. Commun. ACM, 58(11), 50—54. http://doi.org/10.1145/2814332 Introduction This article distinguishes between thre...



Rich Data, Poor Fields

less than 1 minute read

This article shows how handheld devices and big data technology may multiply field yields and make farming more environmentally friendly.

The New Smart Cities

less than 1 minute read

Mone, G. (2015). The New Smart Cities. Commun. ACM, 58(7), 20—21. http://doi.org/10.1145/2771297</p> </p> Summary This article discusses b...

The Power of Social Media Analytics

2 minute read

Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74—81. doi:10.1145/2602574</p> Summa...

Big Data and Its Technical Challenges

1 minute read

Jagadish, H. V., Gehrke, J., Labrinidis, A., Papakonstantinou, Y., Patel, J. M., Ramakrishnan, R., & Shahabi, C. (2014). Big Data and Its Technical Chal...

Web Intelligence Applications

1 minute read

This article collects real world use cases of Web and Business Intelligence applications. Use Cases Business Intelligence: companies use their own data sourc...


argument-based machine learning

Argument-based Machine Learning

less than 1 minute read

Description Standard machine learning takes examples as input in the form of pairs (A, C), where A is an attribute value vector and C the class the example b...

artificial intelligence

aspect-based sentiment analysis

average uninterpolated precision

background knowledge


big data

The Pathologies of Big data

less than 1 minute read

by Jacobs, Adam (2009). The pathologies of big data, Communications of the ACM, ACM, pages 36-44, 52(8) The article demonstrates the importance of a profound...


bot detection

The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge

1 minute read

Subrahmanian, V. S., A. Azaria, S. Durst, V. Kagan, A. Galstyan, K. Lerman, L. Zhu, E. Ferrara, A. Flammini, and F. Menczer. The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge....


The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge

1 minute read

Subrahmanian, V. S., A. Azaria, S. Durst, V. Kagan, A. Galstyan, K. Lerman, L. Zhu, E. Ferrara, A. Flammini, and F. Menczer. The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge....

brain storming

Extracting Concepts

less than 1 minute read

This article collects some thoughts on normalizing phrases to concepts. Examples: drive_car <- "drive a car", "you drive your car", "driving cars" and "...

business intelligence

Web Intelligence Applications

1 minute read

This article collects real world use cases of Web and Business Intelligence applications. Use Cases Business Intelligence: companies use their own data sourc...

business metrics



Big Data and Its Technical Challenges

1 minute read

Jagadish, H. V., Gehrke, J., Labrinidis, A., Papakonstantinou, Y., Patel, J. M., Ramakrishnan, R., & Shahabi, C. (2014). Big Data and Its Technical Chal...



clique percolation method

Thematic Exploration of Linked Data

1 minute read

by Castano et al.; Very Large Data Search (VLDS) 2011 This article addresses the problem of organizing linked data, which features an inherent flat organizat...


Thematic Exploration of Linked Data

1 minute read

by Castano et al.; Very Large Data Search (VLDS) 2011 This article addresses the problem of organizing linked data, which features an inherent flat organizat...


co-reference resolution

common knowledge

common sense knowledge

comparative sentiment analysis



Extracting Concepts

less than 1 minute read

This article collects some thoughts on normalizing phrases to concepts. Examples: drive_car <- "drive a car", "you drive your car", "driving cars" and "...

concept tagging

concept-based sentiment analysis



container infrastructure

Borg, Omega and Kubernetes

less than 1 minute read

Burns, B., Grant, B., Oppenheimer, D., Brewer, E., & Wilkes, J. (2016). Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes. Commun. ACM, 59(5), 50—57. https://doi.org/10...

content half-life time

Catching a Viral Video

2 minute read

Broxton, Tom, Yannet Interian, Jon Vaver, and Mirjam Wattenhofer. Catching a Viral Video. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 40, no. 2 (April 1, 201...

content life cycle

Catching a Viral Video

2 minute read

Broxton, Tom, Yannet Interian, Jon Vaver, and Mirjam Wattenhofer. Catching a Viral Video. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 40, no. 2 (April 1, 201...

content placement strategies

Catching a Viral Video

2 minute read

Broxton, Tom, Yannet Interian, Jon Vaver, and Mirjam Wattenhofer. Catching a Viral Video. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 40, no. 2 (April 1, 201...




Evaluation in Information Retrieval

2 minute read

Manning, C.D., Raghavan, P. & Schütze, H., 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval 1st ed., Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8 - Evaluation in inf...


corpus creation


criteria for evaluation measures


Checking Facts

less than 1 minute read

The Web and social media produce massive amounts of data at different levels of quality and trustworthiness. New research focuses on creating methods for che...

customer reviews

What makes a helpful online Review?

less than 1 minute read

Mudambi and Schuff This article presents a model for the helpfulness of customer reviews which is verified based on Amazon reviews. The article is quite inte...

customer satisfaction

data integration

data loading

data management

data mining

Data Mining for Web Intelligence

less than 1 minute read

by Han and Chen-Chuan This article discusses data mining as key technology for bringing intelligence and direction to our Web interactions. At first they dis...

data science

Data Science and Prediction

3 minute read

by Dhar, V. (2013). Data science and prediction. Communications of the ACM, 56(12), 64—73. This article provides insights into how data science complem...

data structures

Suffix array

1 minute read

The suffix array is a memory-efficient alternative to the suffix tree which provides a sorted list of string indices indicating the string’s suffixes.

40 years of suffix trees

less than 1 minute read

Suffix trees are used in text searching, indexing, statistics. This article describes the history, construction, current developments and applications of suf...

Data sketching

less than 1 minute read

This article introduces three popular data structures that efficiently handle and summarize large data sets.

date extraction

Finding Text Reuse in the Web

less than 1 minute read

by Michael Bendersky and W. Bruce Croft (WSDM'09) This article discusses an approach for finding three different kinds of text reuse in the web: verbatim co...


deceptive reviews

deep learning

Growing Pains for Deep Learning

1 minute read

Edwards, C. (2015). Growing Pains for Deep Learning. Commun. ACM, 58(7), 14—16. http://doi.org/10.1145/2771283</p> Summary This article provides...

dependency parsing


Borg, Omega and Kubernetes

less than 1 minute read

Burns, B., Grant, B., Oppenheimer, D., Brewer, E., & Wilkes, J. (2016). Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes. Commun. ACM, 59(5), 50—57. https://doi.org/10...


Borg, Omega and Kubernetes

less than 1 minute read

Burns, B., Grant, B., Oppenheimer, D., Brewer, E., & Wilkes, J. (2016). Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes. Commun. ACM, 59(5), 50—57. https://doi.org/10...



KDIR Panel Discussion

less than 1 minute read

The Information Butler (Andreas Dengel) Learn from best practices Recommends resources (similar to MISTRAL) Context Identification of context ¨(Eye-tra...

distant supervision


Borg, Omega and Kubernetes

less than 1 minute read

Burns, B., Grant, B., Oppenheimer, D., Brewer, E., & Wilkes, J. (2016). Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes. Commun. ACM, 59(5), 50—57. https://doi.org/10...

domain consensurs

Domain relevance of terminology

less than 1 minute read

based on Navigli, R. and Velardi, P. (2004). ''Learning Domain Ontologies from Document Warehouses and Dedicated Web Sites'', Computational Linguistics, page...

domain relevance

Domain relevance of terminology

less than 1 minute read

based on Navigli, R. and Velardi, P. (2004). ''Learning Domain Ontologies from Document Warehouses and Dedicated Web Sites'', Computational Linguistics, page...

domain specificity

domain specifity



Text-Mining the Voice of the People

1 minute read

Evangelopoulos, N., & Visinescu, L. (2012). Text-mining the voice of the people. Communications of the ACM, 55(2), 62. doi:10.1145/2076450.2076467 This a...


Data Science and Prediction

3 minute read

by Dhar, V. (2013). Data science and prediction. Communications of the ACM, 56(12), 64—73. This article provides insights into how data science complem...

emotional analysis

emotional contagion


Data Science and Prediction

3 minute read

by Dhar, V. (2013). Data science and prediction. Communications of the ACM, 56(12), 64—73. This article provides insights into how data science complem...



Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia

1 minute read

Hachey, B. et al., 2013. Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia. Artificial Intelligence, 194, pp.130—150. This article compares the performance of t...

Evaluation in Information Retrieval

2 minute read

Manning, C.D., Raghavan, P. & Schütze, H., 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval 1st ed., Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8 - Evaluation in inf...

Remarks on Ontology Learning and Evaluation

less than 1 minute read

This post contains some random remarks on ontology learning and evaluation: terms versus concepts: concepts are formed by grouping terms with the same meani...

evaluation data

evaluation measure

experiment design


fact checking

Checking Facts

less than 1 minute read

The Web and social media produce massive amounts of data at different levels of quality and trustworthiness. New research focuses on creating methods for che...


Rich Data, Poor Fields

less than 1 minute read

This article shows how handheld devices and big data technology may multiply field yields and make farming more environmentally friendly.

feature scaling

feature selection


The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge

1 minute read

Subrahmanian, V. S., A. Azaria, S. Durst, V. Kagan, A. Galstyan, K. Lerman, L. Zhu, E. Ferrara, A. Flammini, and F. Menczer. The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge....

flameware detection


future internet

The Pathologies of Big data

less than 1 minute read

by Jacobs, Adam (2009). The pathologies of big data, Communications of the ACM, ACM, pages 36-44, 52(8) The article demonstrates the importance of a profound...






global context


grammar rules

graph-based disambiguation

graph-based models


Social Media Analytics for Smart Health

less than 1 minute read

Abbasi, A., Adjeroh, D., Dredze, M., Paul, M. J., Zahedi, F. M., Zhao, H., Ross, A. (2014). Social Media Analytics for Smart Health. IEEE Intelligent System...

healthcare intelligence


hierarchical classification

high number of parameters


hotspot detection


imbalanced data sets


implicit network connections


incremental processing


influence bots

The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge

1 minute read

Subrahmanian, V. S., A. Azaria, S. Durst, V. Kagan, A. Galstyan, K. Lerman, L. Zhu, E. Ferrara, A. Flammini, and F. Menczer. The DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge....

information diffusion

Catching a Viral Video

2 minute read

Broxton, Tom, Yannet Interian, Jon Vaver, and Mirjam Wattenhofer. Catching a Viral Video. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 40, no. 2 (April 1, 201...

information extraction

Redundancy-based information extraction

less than 1 minute read

The notion of redundancy-based information extraction utilizes the fact that many information on the Web is redundand, which leads to the consequences that ...

information processing

information spaces

Data Mining for Web Intelligence

less than 1 minute read

by Han and Chen-Chuan This article discusses data mining as key technology for bringing intelligence and direction to our Web interactions. At first they dis...


Big Data and Its Technical Challenges

1 minute read

Jagadish, H. V., Gehrke, J., Labrinidis, A., Papakonstantinou, Y., Patel, J. M., Ramakrishnan, R., & Shahabi, C. (2014). Big Data and Its Technical Chal...


KDIR causal knowledge

less than 1 minute read

</p> Automatic identification of quasi-experimental designs for discovering causal knowledge by Jensen et. al</p> Introduction </p> blac...


KDIR Panel Discussion

less than 1 minute read

The Information Butler (Andreas Dengel) Learn from best practices Recommends resources (similar to MISTRAL) Context Identification of context ¨(Eye-tra...

keyword analysis

keyword extraction

knowledge extraction

language resources

latent dirichlet allocation

latent semantic analysis

lexico-syntactic patterns

lexicon expansion


lidstone smoothing

linear discriminant analysis

linked open data

Thematic Exploration of Linked Data

1 minute read

by Castano et al.; Very Large Data Search (VLDS) 2011 This article addresses the problem of organizing linked data, which features an inherent flat organizat...

linking open data

local context

locality sensitive hashing

It Probably Works

3 minute read

Mcmullen, T. (2015). It Probably Works. Commun. ACM, 58(11), 50—54. http://doi.org/10.1145/2814332 Introduction This article distinguishes between thre...

locality sensitve hashing


Text-Mining the Voice of the People

1 minute read

Evangelopoulos, N., & Visinescu, L. (2012). Text-mining the voice of the people. Communications of the ACM, 55(2), 62. doi:10.1145/2076450.2076467 This a...


It Probably Works

3 minute read

Mcmullen, T. (2015). It Probably Works. Commun. ACM, 58(11), 50—54. http://doi.org/10.1145/2814332 Introduction This article distinguishes between thre...

machine learning

Argument-based Machine Learning

less than 1 minute read

Description Standard machine learning takes examples as input in the form of pairs (A, C), where A is an attribute value vector and C the class the example b...

management support

map reduce

market predictors

Predicting the Future with Social Media

2 minute read

by Asur, S., & Huberman, B. A. (2010). IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)</p> <...

market research




Most Influential Data Mining Algorithms

less than 1 minute read

As ranked by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining2006 (ICDM 2006) C4.5 k-means support vector machines (SVM) Apriori expectation maximization (...


Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia

1 minute read

Hachey, B. et al., 2013. Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia. Artificial Intelligence, 194, pp.130—150. This article compares the performance of t...

Evaluation in Information Retrieval

2 minute read

Manning, C.D., Raghavan, P. & Schütze, H., 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval 1st ed., Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8 - Evaluation in inf...

micro blogging


What makes a helpful online Review?

less than 1 minute read

Mudambi and Schuff This article presents a model for the helpfulness of customer reviews which is verified based on Amazon reviews. The article is quite inte...


The Power of Social Media Analytics

2 minute read

Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74—81. doi:10.1145/2602574</p> Summa...

model fitting


multi-dimensional scaling

multitopic detection

naive bayes

named entity disambiguation

named entity linking

Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia

1 minute read

Hachey, B. et al., 2013. Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia. Artificial Intelligence, 194, pp.130—150. This article compares the performance of t...

named entity recognition

named entity recogniton

named entity resolution



network inferrence


neural network

Growing Pains for Deep Learning

1 minute read

Edwards, C. (2015). Growing Pains for Deep Learning. Commun. ACM, 58(7), 14—16. http://doi.org/10.1145/2771283</p> Summary This article provides...



Social Media Analytics for Smart Health

less than 1 minute read

Abbasi, A., Adjeroh, D., Dredze, M., Paul, M. J., Zahedi, F. M., Zhao, H., Ross, A. (2014). Social Media Analytics for Smart Health. IEEE Intelligent System...

nlp resources


notions of correctness


Remarks on Ontology Learning and Evaluation

less than 1 minute read

This post contains some random remarks on ontology learning and evaluation: terms versus concepts: concepts are formed by grouping terms with the same meani...

ontology alignment

Basic Ontology Data Integration Concepts

less than 1 minute read

Data integration consists of two basic steps: semantic enrichement mapping discovery LAV vs. GAV</p> LAV and GAV describe two approaches for integrat...

ontology evolution

ontology integration

Basic Ontology Data Integration Concepts

less than 1 minute read

Data integration consists of two basic steps: semantic enrichement mapping discovery LAV vs. GAV</p> LAV and GAV describe two approaches for integrat...

open information extraction

Open Relation Extraction

less than 1 minute read

[Banko:2008] Banko, Michele and Etzioni, Oren (2008). ''The Tradeoffs Between Open and Traditional Relation Extraction'', Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Associa...

opinion holder

opinion mining

opinion target


optimized content placement


Beyond Data and Analysis

1 minute read

Davis, C. K. (2014). Beyond Data and Analysis. Commun. ACM, 57(6), 39—41. doi:10.1145/2602326</p> Summary The article identifies competition whi...


KDIR Panel Discussion

less than 1 minute read

The Information Butler (Andreas Dengel) Learn from best practices Recommends resources (similar to MISTRAL) Context Identification of context ¨(Eye-tra...



phrase detection

phrase recognition

polarity shift

policy informatics

pooling multinomial classifier




predict sales

Predicting the Future with Social Media

2 minute read

by Asur, S., & Huberman, B. A. (2010). IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)</p> <...

predictive analytics




It Probably Works

3 minute read

Mcmullen, T. (2015). It Probably Works. Commun. ACM, 58(11), 50—54. http://doi.org/10.1145/2814332 Introduction This article distinguishes between thre...


The Power of Social Media Analytics

2 minute read

Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74—81. doi:10.1145/2602574</p> Summa...

product features






Redundancy-based information extraction

less than 1 minute read

The notion of redundancy-based information extraction utilizes the fact that many information on the Web is redundand, which leads to the consequences that ...

regression model

Predicting the Future with Social Media

2 minute read

by Asur, S., & Huberman, B. A. (2010). IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)</p> <...

regular expressions

Finding Text Reuse in the Web

less than 1 minute read

by Michael Bendersky and W. Bruce Croft (WSDM'09) This article discusses an approach for finding three different kinds of text reuse in the web: verbatim co...

Finding Text Reuse in the Web

less than 1 minute read

by Michael Bendersky and W. Bruce Croft (WSDM'09) This article discusses an approach for finding three different kinds of text reuse in the web: verbatim co...

relation detection

relation extraction

Open Relation Extraction

less than 1 minute read

[Banko:2008] Banko, Michele and Etzioni, Oren (2008). ''The Tradeoffs Between Open and Traditional Relation Extraction'', Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Associa...

response rate





Borg, Omega and Kubernetes

less than 1 minute read

Burns, B., Grant, B., Oppenheimer, D., Brewer, E., & Wilkes, J. (2016). Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes. Commun. ACM, 59(5), 50—57. https://doi.org/10...



self training

semantic knowledge

semi-supervised learning

sentic computing

senticnet categories


sentiment analysis

sentiment calculation rules

sentiment detection

sentiment lexicon

sentiment terms

sentiment topics



similarity metrics

singular value decomposition

smart cities

The New Smart Cities

less than 1 minute read

Mone, G. (2015). The New Smart Cities. Commun. ACM, 58(7), 20—21. http://doi.org/10.1145/2771297</p> </p> Summary This article discusses b...

social media

The Power of Social Media Analytics

2 minute read

Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74—81. doi:10.1145/2602574</p> Summa...

Social Media Analytics for Smart Health

less than 1 minute read

Abbasi, A., Adjeroh, D., Dredze, M., Paul, M. J., Zahedi, F. M., Zhao, H., Ross, A. (2014). Social Media Analytics for Smart Health. IEEE Intelligent System...

social metrics

Catching a Viral Video

2 minute read

Broxton, Tom, Yannet Interian, Jon Vaver, and Mirjam Wattenhofer. Catching a Viral Video. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 40, no. 2 (April 1, 201...

social network

Thematic Exploration of Linked Data

1 minute read

by Castano et al.; Very Large Data Search (VLDS) 2011 This article addresses the problem of organizing linked data, which features an inherent flat organizat...

social network analysis

social question answering

social sciences

soical networks


Spatial and Temporal Information

less than 1 minute read

based on "Normalizing Spatial Information to Better Combine Criteria in Geographical Information Retrieval" y Palacio et al. (ECIR 2009). There are two types...

spectral association

speculation detection

spreading activation


It Probably Works

3 minute read

Mcmullen, T. (2015). It Probably Works. Commun. ACM, 58(11), 50—54. http://doi.org/10.1145/2814332 Introduction This article distinguishes between thre...

stochastic gradient descent

structural semantic interconnection

Domain relevance of terminology

less than 1 minute read

based on Navigli, R. and Velardi, P. (2004). ''Learning Domain Ontologies from Document Warehouses and Dedicated Web Sites'', Computational Linguistics, page...

support vector machines

taxonomic overlap



Spatial and Temporal Information

less than 1 minute read

based on "Normalizing Spatial Information to Better Combine Criteria in Geographical Information Retrieval" y Palacio et al. (ECIR 2009). There are two types...

term weighting


Remarks on Ontology Learning and Evaluation

less than 1 minute read

This post contains some random remarks on ontology learning and evaluation: terms versus concepts: concepts are formed by grouping terms with the same meani...

text classification

text cleanup

text mining

text reuse

Finding Text Reuse in the Web

less than 1 minute read

by Michael Bendersky and W. Bruce Croft (WSDM'09) This article discusses an approach for finding three different kinds of text reuse in the web: verbatim co...

Suffix array

1 minute read

The suffix array is a memory-efficient alternative to the suffix tree which provides a sorted list of string indices indicating the string’s suffixes.

40 years of suffix trees

less than 1 minute read

Suffix trees are used in text searching, indexing, statistics. This article describes the history, construction, current developments and applications of suf...

topic detection

topic model

topic sentiment


Predicting the Future with Social Media

2 minute read

by Asur, S., & Huberman, B. A. (2010). IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)</p> <...


user evaluation

user generated content

user participation

user preferences

viral videos

Catching a Viral Video

2 minute read

Broxton, Tom, Yannet Interian, Jon Vaver, and Mirjam Wattenhofer. Catching a Viral Video. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 40, no. 2 (April 1, 201...


weak supervision

web intelligence

The Power of Social Media Analytics

2 minute read

Fan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics. Communications of the ACM, 57(6), 74—81. doi:10.1145/2602574</p> Summa...

Big Data and Its Technical Challenges

1 minute read

Jagadish, H. V., Gehrke, J., Labrinidis, A., Papakonstantinou, Y., Patel, J. M., Ramakrishnan, R., & Shahabi, C. (2014). Big Data and Its Technical Chal...

Web Intelligence Applications

1 minute read

This article collects real world use cases of Web and Business Intelligence applications. Use Cases Business Intelligence: companies use their own data sourc...

Data Mining for Web Intelligence

less than 1 minute read

by Han and Chen-Chuan This article discusses data mining as key technology for bringing intelligence and direction to our Web interactions. At first they dis...

web portals

Data Mining for Web Intelligence

less than 1 minute read

by Han and Chen-Chuan This article discusses data mining as key technology for bringing intelligence and direction to our Web interactions. At first they dis...


Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia

1 minute read

Hachey, B. et al., 2013. Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia. Artificial Intelligence, 194, pp.130—150. This article compares the performance of t...

wisdom web

word relevance

word sense disambiguation

word support