Web Dynamics edited by Mark Levene and Alexandra Poulovassilis

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This book covers the following topics:

  • evolution of web structure and content, presenting papers on
      1. a) the size of the web,

        b) methods for the mining of web communities,

        c) theory of random networks, and

        d) web dynamics, structure and page quality.

  • Searching and Navigating the Web, focuses on
      1. a) navigating the World Wide Web,

        b) Crawling the Web,

        c) the combination of link and content information in Web Search, and

        d) ways how search engines cope with the changes in the Web (site updates, etc.)

  • Events and Changes on the Web This part covers various XML-based approaches to propagate Changes on Web pages. Different PUSH architectures and extensions of XML are presented to cope with this task.
  • Personalized Access to the Web
    The first three papers of this part are concerned with the adaption of Web content for different consumers (The first paper presents different Architectures for Adaptive Hypermedia, the second on its application in the Educational Domain and the third on the use of Personalization in Mobile Portals). Finally a paper about "Learning Web Request Patterns" is presented. The authors introduce and evaluate a framework for predicting Web Requests.

Detailed description of relevant papers:

Methods for Mining Web Communities (part I) - Bibliometrics, Spectral, and Flow This paper gives a good overview over Methods for mining web communities.

  • Bibliographic metrics (bibliographic coupling and cocitation coupling) and basic concepts like bipartite cores are explained.
  • Spectral methods like HITS (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) and PageRank are presented and common interpretations for both methods are presented.
  • finally Maximum Flow methods for identifying communities are explained.

Web Dynamics, Structure and Page Quality (part I) This paper presents a model for Web page change, sketched on the basic operations "creation", "updates" and "deletions" (of web pages). Afterwards methods for measuring and estimating the rate of change is introduced and relationships between the Web's structure (components: MAIN, IN, OUT, other-class sites) and the Web site age are investigated. Finally the correlation between link-based ranking (measures: HITS and PageRank) and Age are presented.