KDIR causal knowledge

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Automatic identification of quasi-experimental designs for discovering causal knowledge

by Jensen et. al


  • blackbox approaches (statistical models, artificial intelligence, ...)
  • relational dependency network; visualizes the impact of factors (in a way similar to a spreading activation network)
  • difference: statistical associated <-> causal effect
  • people are interested in causal data
  • compare:
    • elections <-> campaign strategy
    • social science <-> social politcy, ..

  • problem:
    • elimination of common causes (3rd influence factor; Scheinkorrelation)
    • approaches toward eliminating the effect of common cause
      • control => hold 3rd variables
      • randomization -> compare: sample design (Fischer 1925)
      • Modeling: remove effects of potential common causes
      • quasi-experimental designs
    • emulates control by finding structures in the data¨-> set of conditions to tread the condition as if the data would come from an experiment
    • examples designs:
      • twin design - twins => eliminate the influence of genetics
      • two group pre-test post-test design
      • instrumental variable design
  • challenge: algorithms to (automatically) use the idea of quasi-experimental designs
    • requirements: temporal / spatial structure; relational structure
    • number of possible causal models is (3^(N^2))


    • use google-scholar queries to compare a topic's popularity

    • Jensen et al. (2008) Automatic identification of quasi-experimental designs for discovering causal knowledge (KDD 2008)
    • work on causal interpretation of Bayes networks