Near-optimal Hashing Algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensions
This article gives an overview of locality sensitive hashing algorithms, i.e. methods for approximating the nearest neighbor problem.Concepts
- distance:The distance between d-dimensional data points P is frequently computed with the following $$\mathcal{l}_s$$ norm metric: \[||p-q||_s = \bigl(\sum_{i=1}^d |p_i-q_i|^s\bigr)^{1/s}\]
- R-nearest neighbor: a point p is an R-near neighbor of q if the distance between these points is at most R.
- locality sensitive hashing: $$\mathcal{H}$$ is a family of hash functions h which map data points to some universe U, so that h has a high probability $$Pr_{\mathcal{H}}[h(q) = h(p)]$$ if p and q are R-nearest neighbors, and a considerably lower probability if they are not.
Typically the probability gap between R-nearest neighbors and other points is rather small, requiring us to amplify this gap by combining several hash functions $$\mathcal{H}$$ yielding\[g_j(q) = h_{1,j}(q), ..., h_{k,j}(q)\]
and by computing L buckets $$g_j(q)$$ with j=1, ...L. If the buckets store binary values L corresponds to the hash length in bits. The hash functions $$h_{t,j} (1\leq t \leq k, 1 \leq j \leq L)$$ are randomly chosen.
- Number of hashes k: the number of hashes k determines the probability $$P_1^k$$ that $$g_i(p) = g_i(q)$$. Large values of k increase the method's specificity (i.e. reduces $$P_1$$ and, therefore, the number of false positives).
- Number of hash tables L: larger values of L increase the method's sensitivity (i.e. the number of true positives). Consequently, L must be sufficiently large (especially for high values of k) to ensure that all R-near neighbors collide with the query point at least ones.
Hash functions
The following families of hash functions (i.e. distance metrics) $$\mathcal{H}$$ are frequently used for LSH:- The hamming distance which corresponds to the number of points in which p and q differ.
- $$\mathcal{l}_s$$ distance
- Jaccard measure: $$s(A,B) = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}$$. Since s(A,B) is a similarity measure, the distance needs to be computed by d(A, B) =1-s(A, B)
- Arccos: $$\Theta(p,q) = arccos\bigl(\frac{p\cdot q}{||p||\cdot||q||}\bigr)$$ - this distance measure the angle between two vectors.