A methodology for constructing of philosophy ontology based on philosophical texts

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by Jung-Min Kim et al.

The paper presents an philosophy ontology created by the authors. Especially the methodology outlined and the literature review provide interesting information regarding the field of ontology extension.

Current research distinguishes between forward and backward engineering.

Forward engineering analyzes knowledge resources, extracts concepts and establishes relations among them. Methodologies like Enterprise Methodology, TOronto Virtual Enterprise, Development 101, ... are examples for this approach.

In contrast backward engineering extracts concepts and relations from textual resources mostly by combining NLTP techniques in semi-automatic processes.

The following steps have been applied in creating the philosophy ontology:

  • Scope identification: primary objectives, scrope, granularity, etc.
  • Knowledge acquisition: collects information resources on which the ontology is baed
  • Conceptualization: formalizes, organizes and structures the acquired knowledge in ontological constructs like concpets, hierarchies, and properties.
  • Implementation: Transforms the ontology into a machine-interpretable data model

The paper also presents naming conventions for ontological concepts, which could prove useful if applied to our current ontology extension architecture.