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Fortschritt in der Wirtschaftsinformatik

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basierend auf Ideen aus dem Beitrag "Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsinformatik aus Sicht der Informatik" von Matthias Jarke Das relationale Datenmodell (Codd 19...

Open Relation Extraction

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[Banko:2008] Banko, Michele and Etzioni, Oren (2008). ''The Tradeoffs Between Open and Traditional Relation Extraction'', Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Associa...

Background on STS

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The following two articles provide mathematical and statistical background on the search test stop model. The paper by Marcozzi presents approximations of th...

Acquisition and Adoption of New Technology

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Information Acquisition and the Adoption of new Technology. *** (Mathematics) by McCardle, 1985 This paper presents a model for making adoption decision on n...

Continuos Search Queries

1 minute read

Answering bounded continuous search queries in the world wide web by Kukulenz and Ntoulas. This article present the application of optimal stopping theory t...

Reinforcement Learning

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A reinforcement learning approach to dynamic resource allocation ** by David Vengerov Another paper on the application of the concept of 'utility' to compute...

Optimal Stopping Reloaded

2 minute read

On the use of hybrid reinforcement learning for autonomic resource allocation *** by Teasuro et. al This paper elaborates on the use of reinforcement learnin...

STS Literature

3 minute read

We will divide the related literature on STS into two categories (i) literature on optimal stopping, and the foundations of the algorithm, and (ii) literatur...


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...described how his dialectic works. A precondition for being able to talk about 'things' is that we define those things (in contrast to the sophists, who u...

Conference Thoughts

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some things I found interesting to mention. Educational </p> Traditional measures for association rules support: P(XY) confidence: P(X|Y) lift ...

Dynamic Taxonomies (FIND Workshop)

1 minute read

The term dynamic taxonomies refers to a multidimensional (multifaceted *check*) classification . Interesting ideas: </p> Searching/Browsing: express s...