A Comparison of Knowledge Extraction Tools for the Semantic Web
Gangemi, A., 2013. A Comparison of Knowledge Extraction Tools for the Semantic Web. In P. Cimiano et al., eds. The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 351—366.
This article compares a selection of natural language processing (NLP) tools for the following basic natural language processing tasks (in contrast to advanced tasks such as question answering, retrieval, etc.):- topic extraction
- named entity recognition - i.e. determine entity types such as person, organization, etc.
- named entity resolution (or linking) - i.e. provide a reference to the individual mentioned
- named entity coreference
- terminology extraction (typically for classes and or properties)
- sense tagging
- sense disambiguation
- taxonomy induction
- relation extraction
- semantic role labeling (property induction for events and n-ary relations)
- event detection
- frame detection